chemical peel

We have a variety of chemical peel options, but our peels are all “mid depth medical grade” peels. The peel that fits your needs is selected, and applied in a repetitive pattern until a desired endpoint is reached. You will be sent home with aftercare instructions and products. Skin usually is pink or red for 1-3 days and then will slough and peel off over 2-4 more days. The best overall results are seen after 3-4 weeks. We strongly recommend a few chemical peels in a row to achieve the best results. 

Best For

Dull uneven texture, wrinkles, scarring, pigmentation, and general “reboot” of your skin!



Chemical Peels are a great way to jumpstart your skin into a new skincare routine and basically push “fast forward” on your progress.  Or if your skin is already rocking’ but you feel like you need a quick boost, a chemical peel is an ideal way to bring it to smooth perfection!


We utilize peels that contain the best acids and ingredients to get the top layers of the epidermis to peel away in sheets. Some basic chemical peels used in day spas are too mild to really make much of an impact on your skin. Our peels are medical strength and include the correct amount of retinol to speed up the peeling process and get the job done quickly.  By removing the numerous layers of dead skin cells, you will see an improvement in almost all areas of texture and pigmentation… but also with blackheads and pore size as well! 


Face, Neck Chest, and Backs are among the most common areas to treat with a chemical peel.

Frequency of Treatment:

We suggest repeating a chemical peel roughly 4-6 weeks apart. 


Peels typically take about 30 minutes.


Ranging from $200-350 depending on which peel and size of area to be treated


We do not utilize chemical on a solo basis….. we find patients can start to use them like a “crash diet” and our goal is to get your skin back to optimum health.  Therefore, we strongly suggest a consultation in which we will set forth a plan of skin care and other treatment suggestions including the chemical peel.  Peels are wonderful, but the results are only going to last as long as the patient is utilizing the best healthiest “home care” items and keeps in mind that peels are only “surface deep”.  There are many skin issues that require deeper more aggressive treatments, such as Laser, Microneedling - Radio Frequency, or a combination.  That’s why our goal is to build a relationship with our patients and become a trusted guide for your skin's journey!


Avoid retinoids or topical exfoliants for 1-2 days prior. Avoid sun exposure for 5-7 days prior and at least 2-3 weeks post procedure. Do not plan any important social events for the following week. 


Follow the post-treatment instructions sent home with you and avoid heat for the day of treatment and sun or UV exposure for the following 2-3 weeks afterward.  Normal activities are fine, but prolonged exposure (more than 20 minutes) in direct light can cause a post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.